CHAPTER SEVEN "All right, Archetype," Xavier asked ten minutes later,
"just how did you know you were fighting robots?"
His reply was a cold smile. "Maybe I didnt."
"I dont buy that," Logan cut in. "Obviously, if you wanted to kill
any of us, you couldve done it days ago. You were proving a point."
Archetypes face took on a sheepish expression. "Not really. I was irritated
more than anything else. I had been preparing myself for days to use my abilities to alter
the psychological perceptions of my opponents. My initial attacks were designed to simply
tag each of you so that I could keep track of where you were."
"And when you did that," Ororo said, "you found out that your opponents
were mechanical. How did you do it? Our androids are based on SHIELD technology.
Theyre the most state-of-the-art products on the planet."
"I dont doubt that they are," Archetype replied, "but as good as
they are, theyre still not alive."
"You can tell whether or not somethings alive?" Henry asked him.
"Yes. I had a good idea that they werent alive before I made my
attack. The strikes simply confirmed what I already knew." He became thoughtful for a
moment. "Remember what I told you about seeing things at many levels at once?"
"Yes," Ororo replied. "I do much the same thing myself. I perceive the
natural forces which comprise the weather as patterns of energy."
"Really?" Archetype replied, one eyebrow going up. "We might want to
compare notes later. In any case, I can look at a person and see certain
things about them. I see them not as a person, but as a pattern of energy. I can get a
general idea of their mental state and physical condition. When I looked at you - or
rather, your duplicates - in the Danger Room, I didnt see anything. At that point, I
realized that none of you were real. I therefore felt justified in using some extreme
"Extreme?!" Scott said in a rather sarcastic voice.
"If those had been real people, it would have been a massacre!"
"But they werent real people," Archetype replied calmly, "and I
knew that when I did it. If they had been real people, I would have used
non-lethal, and probably non-violent, means of resolving the conflict."
"Such as?" Hank prompted him.
Archetype brooded for a moment. "Can I have a volunteer?"
Rogue shrugged. "Sure. Ill bite. How do you want to do this?"
"Lets make it a simple game of endurance. Last one on their feet - or in the
air, in your case - wins."
"Okay. Hank, can you set us up an environment?"
"Any preferences?"
She thought about it for a moment. "How about Wundagore?"
Henry nodded. "No problem. Head on down. Itll be ready by the time you get
down there."
They both went down in the elevator. As they descended, Archetype spoke up. "Just
how much punishment can you take, Miss Rogue?" he asked, with a touch of concern in
his voice.
"Do your worst," she replied. "If I can take a punch from the
Juggernaut, than I can handle anything that you can dish out."
He nodded as the doors opened and they stepped out into a frozen ruin.
"Impressive," he noted, turning around as he surveyed the stark, crumbling walls
of what was once the base of operations for Magneto. "Does ten paces of distance seem
fair to you?"
"Fair enough," she replied. As she started walking off the distance, she told
him over her shoulder, "Dont worry, Ill be pulling my punches."
"I would prefer if you didnt do that."
"Oh? Why?" she asked him, turning around. He stood there before her, a shadow
on the snow.
"Because Im not," he told her.
And disappeared.
Uh oh, she thought.
Better get airborne. She floated about a meter above the ground. After a moment
of looking at her options, she decided to back up against a sheer rock formation, which
would allow her to see him from any direction.
She waited there for about a minute, with no sign on him. After a while, she began to
get nervous. She knew he was watching her (which, in other circumstances, she decided,
would not be an unpleasant experience), but she didnt know where he was. After a
while longer, she decided that it might be best to draw him out so she could take him on
her terms.
"All right," she said loudly, "when are you gonna..."
She never got a chance to finish the sentence. She felt something grab her from behind
and jerk her back. There was a moment of blackness, and she suddenly saw the ground coming
up fast.
She was able to stop her momentum, but only barely. She floated about a foot above the
ground, still facing the snow. "Youre gonna have to do better than..."
Again she was interrupted by the shock of feeling a foot kick her in the rear.
She got up quickly, sputtering through a face full of snow. She looked wildly around
her. "Where are you, you... you Yankee!"
"Aw," she heard behind her in a taunting voice, "dont tell me I
went and got you mad."
She spun around, finding Archetype not ten feet in front of her, sitting on a rock.
"Come on," he continued, "I heard you people were supposed to be
good." He stood up, hands outstretched. "Youve got to be able to do better
than that. Tell you what," he said, "Ill even turn around," doing so.
Rogue refused to get angry the way Ororo had. Dont lose your temper. He uses
that against you. Keep calm. She hovered about six inches in the air, and tried to
tackle him. Before she reached him, however, there was a flash of light, and she found
herself heading straight towards the boulder, which she shattered with her impact.
"Oooh," Logan said, "thats gotta hurt."
For the next forty minutes, Rogue wore herself out chasing Archetype all over the
Danger Room. He would occasionally send her straight into a rock, causing a fair amount of
damage to the surrounding landscape in the process. Xavier and Logan, who watched from the
observation booth (Scott had left several minutes earlier, saying that he didnt
appreciate the kinds of games Archetype played), looked at one another.
"Hes just going to keep dodging her until she drops," Xavier said.
Logan shook his head. "Im not so sure. I think hes planning
A few minutes later, Rogue stood panting as Archetype stopped teleporting about the
room. "Hold still, damn you," she told him.
"And let you turn me into chunky salsa? I dont think so." Then he
sighed. "I think weve both had enough, anyway. Its time to finish this
Xavier and Logan had trouble determining just what happened next. For about five
seconds, Rogue appeared as if she would if she were being illuminated by a strobe light:
flickering away, then returning in a heartbeat. When her form stabilized again, she
dropped to the ground, limp as a rag doll.
Archetype walked over to her fallen form and gently, almost tenderly, picked her up,
cradling her in his arms. He then looked up at Xavier.
"Stick a fork in her," he said. "Shes done."
A few minutes later, Rogue awoke to find Jean standing over her. "Rogue, are you
all right?"
"Yeah," she said groggily, "Im fine. What happened?"
"Thats what I wanna know," she heard Logan say from behind her. She
turned around to see him pinning Archetype to the wall, his right hand extending a claw on
either side of his neck. Archetype, however, seemed totally undisturbed.
"Miss Rogue," he said politely, "would you be so kind as to inform this
gentleman that you have come to no harm?"
"Im fine, Wolvie, really," she assured Logan. "Let him
loose." Logan seemed disbelieving, but he retracted his claws and released Archetype,
who dusted himself off.
"As I was in the middle of saying," he said as if picking up where he left
off, "what I did was teleport Rogue back and forth to the same place several times in
a very short duration. A single teleport leaves a person somewhat disoriented. Multiple
teleports have a cumulative effect, and are manifested as extreme fatigue. This effect,
however, is temporary, and there is no lasting aftereffect. Any questions?"
"Yeah," Rogue said, yawning. "what do I do now?"
He shrugged. "Id advise taking a nap. The others, however, might want to
give you a physical first."
Rogue looked at Xavier. "Well, Professor? Should I have Hank give me a
Xavier shook his head. "I dont think itll be necessary right now. He
can look at you after you get up. Go get some rest."
"Ill take your shift for tonight," Logan informed her. "Take the
night off."
She nodded and got up unsteadily. Archetype looked at Xavier. "All those
transitions tired me out as well. Mind if I hit the sack, too?"
"One question before you do," Xavier replied. "How did you make all
those dimensional transitions so quickly?"
"I dilated my time sense, the same way I did when Mister Worthington startled me
"You seem to be under the impression that weve been comparing notes on
"Why shouldnt I? Pooling and coordinating your intelligence would be the
most effective way of learning about me." He yawned again. "I could really
use that nap, Xavier."
"All right. Well hold off on the debriefing until tomorrow. Hank and I will
probably be up most of the night trying to figure out just what happened here, anyway.
Youre both off duty until then. Go get some sleep." Rogue and Archetype both
nodded weakly and clomped out of the room.
"Apparently, what he just did took a toll on him," Henry said .
"Hes hiding it well, but hes about to drop."
"Any idea why?" Logan asked.
"He told us himself before, remember? Without sufficient preparation, using some
of his abilities drains his life energy. He told me that a brief nap tends to take the
edge off that, provided he gets it in time."
"I have to admire his strategy," Xavier noted. "He doesnt have the
physical strength to take down Rogue in combat, so he whittled down her strength
gradually, then used those multiple teleports as a final blow - all without causing her
any physical harm."
"Would that work against someone like Juggernaut?" Logan asked.
Xavier thought about it. "Against Cain? It just might be the only non-psionic
attack that would work.... provided that Archetype is capable of teleporting
someone of his size. We should test that in a future training session.... as well as the
possibility of his tracking another teleporter, such as Kurt. Well talk about it
after dinner."
Rogue and Archetype, meanwhile, had staggered into the elevator, and were on their way
back up to the mansion itself. "Id like to apologize, Rogue," he informed
"About what?"
"I was a bit more.... aggressive in that session than was warranted. There were
alternatives to what I did to you, but I didnt think them through."
"Dont worry about it. We all tend to get pretty down-and-dirty when
were in the Danger Room. We have to be. Anybody we fight isnt going to pull
any punches, and we have to be prepared for that."
Archetype bit his lip, an expression which Rogue thought rather cute.
"Still," he said, "Id like to make it up to you." He paused
again, looking uncertain, a pose which did not suit him. "Im going to an art
exhibition at a gallery in Greenwich Village tonight. Theres going to be an informal
party where guests meet with the curators and artists. I was planning on eating
afterwards." He paused again. "Would you be interested in joining me?"
She smiled. "Id love to. What time were you planning on leaving?"
"That would depend on how you want to get there. Itll probably take us about
an hour if we drive, but I can teleport us there instantly."
"I think Ive had enough teleportation for one day. Can you do that distance
compression again?"
He shook his head. "The more developed the area, the more difficult it gets. New
York City would be almost impossible."
"Why dont we travel my way, then? Well fly."
He tilted his head slightly, considering it, then nodded. "All right. How long
would it take you to get there?"
"About half an hour if Im carrying someone. I could go faster, but it
wouldnt be very comfortable for you."
"Why dont we leave at about seven-fifteen, then?" he suggested.
"That should leave us some margin for error."
"All right. Whats the dress code?"
"Dress shirt and tie for me. Itll be an artsy-type crowd. You could get away
with almost anything. Id suggest something you could wear at a nice
"No problem. Ill knock on your door at seven."
He smiled. "Uh uh. Im the one whos supposed to knock. Your
job is to stagger me with your beauty when you open the door. Its in the rules,
Rogue smacked her head. "Oh, thats right. Thats right up there
with the one that says youre paying for the whole thing, right?"
He shrugged. "Im the multibillionaire. I thought that went without saying.
See you at seven, then?" he asked her as the elevator doors opened.
"Wouldnt miss it."
After informing Xavier via intercom that she and Archetype would be off the grounds for
part of the evening, Rogue flopped into bed, and slept until five forty-five. She then
took a shower, styled her hair, and decided on an Indian print broomstick skirt over black
leggings, coupled with a white blouse, a blue paisley vest, black high heels, and a cameo
pin. Not bad, girl, she told her reflection. She then put on her makeup, deciding
on green eye shadow and deep red lipstick, applied a dab of her favorite perfume, then
grabbed her purse and packed a hairbrush, the makeup, a small mirror, and a bit of money
to cover emergencies. She then put on her best pair of black gloves. Looking at her watch,
she saw that she had about three minutes to spare. She checked herself one more time, then
sat on her bed and waited.
Two minutes later, there was a knock on her door. She got up, took a deep breath, then
opened it.
Archetype stood there, wearing a charcoal jacket with black pants and a white shirt.
His only concessions towards color were a vest which had a zig-zag pattern of blue and red
stripes, and a bolo tie which had a lapis lazuli bird on the catch. His hat hung on the
cane in his left hand. He slowly looked her up and down. "That is a lovely outfit,
Miss Rogue," he said softly.
Rogue couldnt help blushing slightly. "Thanks," she said. "I
dont get a chance to dress up often."
"Then I will inform you that the effect is stunning." He crooked an elbow out
to her. "Shall we be on our way?" Smiling, she linked her arm with his, and they
descended the stairs to the foyer.
When they reached the first floor, they noticed Warren talking on the phone.
"My," he said, looking up, "dont we look distinguished."
Archetype bowed slightly to him as he walked by. "See you two later," he called
as they went out the door.
"Any warnings for me before liftoff?" Archetype asked her.
"Just hang onto your hat," she said, picking him up.
"Is there some link between mutations and bad puns that Im unaware of?"
"I dont understand the question."
"Never mind."
"Tell me if Im going too fast for you," she advised him, and took off.
Once they reached what she considered a suitable altitude, she headed in the general
direction of New York City. Archetype, for his part, looked at the surrounding
"Mind if I ask you a question?" she queried.
"What, like Im going to say no at this height? What is it?"
"What do we call you besides Archetype?"
"You can call me Will, though Ill answer to Liam."
"Its Gaelic for William."
"Oh. What will they be calling you at this party?"
"Probably Mr. Riley. Ive been showing up at art exhibits in New York for the
past six months. I wanted to establish a network of people in the city who could attest to
my identity if I ran into any problems with the X-Men."
"What sort of problems?" she asked suspiciously.
"Well, if you choose not to accept me as a member, Im shit out of luck,
arent I? I wanted something to fall back on in that event. Im hoping it
doesnt become necessary, though."
So do I, thought Rogue. She remained silent until they came close to the
Greenwich Village area. "Should we land anywhere in particular?" she asked him.
He looked around. "How about that dark area over there?"
"Okay." They settled to earth in an area where the streetlights were in
"Lets see," he said, putting on his hat and glasses, "now just
where are we?" He walked to the nearest corner, came back. "Its about
fifteen minutes walk thataway," he told her, gesturing with his cane.
"Thats not another club youre carrying, is it?" she asked.
"What? Oh, the cane. No, this one is a sword cane." He held his right arm out
for her again. She linked arms with her again and they started walking.
"Youre right handed, arent you?" she asked.
"Yes, why?"
"Why do you have me stand on your right, then?"
"Because the streets on my left."
"I dont understand."
"The general rule is that a gentleman is the one closer to the street, so he can
be the one to take the majority of any dirt that may splash up from the street. Its
a tradition that dates back from the days of horse-drawn carriages."
"Oh. I never knew there was a reason."
"Thats what comes of being a history major."
"I thought you had a chefs degree."
"I have a bachelors in history, too."
She nodded. "Where will we be eating?"
"Its a surprise. We make a left here."
She was silent for a few minutes. "Why did you decide to leave Ireland?" she
asked suddenly.
He didnt answer for several moments. "Im often torn between love and
disgust for Ireland. I cant stay there for very long."
"Ireland has been divided for eight hundred years over the subject of religion. As
a result, Ireland is now so rabidly Catholic that hardly any dissent is tolerated. Imagine
an entire country run like a Catholic school in the 1950s. I think that both Ireland and
Northern Ireland would have been better off if both countries had established secular
states after the revolution, rather than making their respective faiths part and parcel of
the governments. Well, enough rambling. Here we are."
"Here" was a three-story brownstone, from which soft music could be heard.
"Should I call myself anything in particular?" she asked him.
"Nah. There are enough eccentrics here that a beautiful young woman who calls
herself Rogue wont be looked at twice... except for the obvious reasons." Rogue
found herself blushing again.
They walked in to find a small group of about twenty people talking idly. Paintings and
sculptures lined the walls of the room. A small table, stocked with cheese, crackers, and
a collapsible bag of white wine, stood in one corner.
"Will this be too crowded for you?" she asked him quietly.
"Actually, this is about right for me," he replied. "The noise level is
just where I like it, too." He scanned the perimeter of the room. "Shall we go
look at the pretty pictures?" She giggled and followed him.
Rogue didnt know much about art, but she did know that she didnt have a
clue of what most of the stuff she was looking at was. "Do you have any idea what
this is supposed to be?" she asked him, looking at one particular sculpture that
defied description.
Archetype looked closely at the tag on the wall. "Criticism Number 7,"
he said. "Looks more like Mental Constipation Number Nineteen." Rogue had
to stifle her laughter.
The upper floor held some works that they both found more accessible. "Oh, this
ones gorgeous," she exclaimed, gazing at a small bronze sculpture of a stag
which carried a lithe, naked woman whose hair flowed back behind her.
Archetype looked at the tag. "It ought to be, considering what shes charging
for it. I have to admit, though, its a very nice piece. Ill be right
back," he said, and walked off into the crowd. He returned a few minutes later.
"I thought so," he said.
"Thought what?"
"She got the idea for this in a dream. These images are right out of the
collective unconscious."
"Are they?"
He nodded. "The woman is the Earth Mother, or Great Goddess, and the stag is a
symbol of the Horned God. Its right out of Celtic myth. Whats that one over
there?" he asked, looking at another painting. Rogue followed, her eyes gazing at the
stag one last time.
About half an hour later, Archetype asked her if she was getting hungry. She said yes,
and started towards the door. "Catch up in a moment," he told her, as he headed
back towards the crowd. Rogue just shook her head and headed outside.
Five minutes later, he came out, holding a box in his hands. "Whats
that?" she asked him.
"A surprise," he informed her. "Ill tell you during dinner. There
anywhere youre fond of around here?"
"Not really. Ill eat anything, to be honest. How about you?"
He thought for a minute. "Theres a very good coffee shop about five
blocks away. They have a good dinner menu, and theyre open all night."
"Sounds good to me," she said. "Lets go."
Twenty minutes later, Rogue was tearing into a delicious three bean salad as Archetype
munched on lemon chicken. "Want a piece?" he asked her.
"Yes, please." She looked at him. "Why dont you eat very
He smiled. "Youre basing your perception on the fabled mutant metabolism. My
metabolism is pretty slow, so I have to watch what I eat. Besides, Im saving my
appetite for dessert." He was true to his word, ordering a chocolate peanut butter
cheesecake along with a raspberry steamed milk, while Rogue had a cafe au lait with
an apple tart.
When they were both finished, Rogue leaned back in her chair. "Okay, whats
the surprise?"
"Boy, youre impatient, arent you?" he said teasingly as he handed
her the box. "Open it."
She untied the string and opened the box. Inside, wrapped in a felt cloth, was the stag
sculpture she had seen in the gallery. She gasped. "How much did you pay for this
"It doesnt really matter," he replied. "Im made of money,
Rogue. I couldnt go bankrupt if I tried. The interest on what I have tied up in
investments alone makes me a very rich man. If I can use a little bit of my money to help
my friends, then wheres the harm?"
"But you paid for it," she protested. "You should keep it."
"Tell you what," he said. "Lets compromise. You said that your
tailor from hell in the basement of the mansion could duplicate non-living matter,
"Right. We use it to make most of our high-technology equipment."
"Well then, a little bronze statue shouldnt be any problem, should it? When
we get back, well make a duplicate of this, exact to the tiniest detail. Ill
keep the original, and you keep the copy."
"Deal," she said, smiling.
Archetype looked at his watch. "Speaking of the mansion, we should get back there.
Its getting late. What do you say to getting back my way?"
"Sounds good to me."
"Fine, then. Check, please!"
Half an hour later, they were in the elevator of the mansion, heading up from the
basement, each holding their own statue. As they stepped out onto the residential floor,
Rogue turned to Archetype. "I had a great time.... Will," she told him.
"Should I let the others know that you want to be called that?"
"Why not?" he replied as they walked towards her room. "At least
itll avoid the inevitable degradation of my code name to Archie. And I
had a great time, too."
"By the way, why did you drop the Miss earlier tonight?"
"I call professional colleagues by Mister and Miss. I
refer to friends by their names."
"But you have to know that Rogue isnt my real name."
"I know that its not the name you were born with. People have at least three
names in their lives, Rogue: the name theyre born with, the name they choose for
themselves, and the name they earn for themselves. You chose to be called Rogue. Who am I
to argue with that? I wasnt born with either the names of Archetype or William
Riley. I chose them for myself, so why should I deny you the same right?"
When they reached her door, Rogue froze momentarily. Oh God, what do I do now? He
cant expect a goodnight kiss.
Archetype, however, solved the problem for her. He gently took her gloved right hand in
his, kissed it gently, and smiled at her. "Sweet dreams, Rogue," he said softly,
and walked to his room.
"Mister," she said softly, "you have no idea."
Continued in Chapter 8 |