Walking On The Moon

Warning: This column is completely random, has no releveance to anything, and is susceptible to my complaining or muttering. If you like that, we should become friends. Either that, or I should be in hiding.

  I'm a band geek at heart, or at least at esophagus, and I've joined marching band for the last three years, and this year was my third. It's finally rolled to a close, with us taking first place at the first competition and third at the big JMU competition. While watching the final perform yesterday, I realized something.

  I would hate doing that another year.

  I think three years is the limit for anything that you're not willing to make a career out of. I was drum major and all this year, but man, I'd go insane if I wasn't a senior and had to stick around another year. I just can't take all of that rampant immaturity. I'm not a nice person, all right?

Michael Crawford lookin' phantom-y.  I've discovered something as of late. Musicals are actually good, especially this one. The Phantom of the Opera. I really like it, especially the music. The theme, the love songs, you name it, it's all good, basically. I've yet to find aspects of it that I don't like, and from what I've actually viewed of the musical, it's pretty freaking good too. Check out the picture to the right, it's of Michael Crawford, I believe, as the fabled and feared Phantom. Now with a get-up like that, you have to be cool.

  So ends another blatant plug by yours truly. Go watch the musical and buy the soundtrack, it's really quite worth it.

  Speaking of good music, I just bought a really good CD yesterday. The newest Nine Inch Nails album, The Fragile. I'd say "Go out and buy it!", but I said that about another CD. So I'll say "This CD is worth every cent it costs, in my case $23.94."

  One of the weirder things about this album is that it's a two CD set, but it's not Discs 1 and 2, it's Left and Right. That got my friends Brian and Dan, who are in their own band, thinking about what they should name their two CD set, whenever they put one out. Most of what they came up with I shouldn't write here, but Inside & Outside, Right & Wrong, Alpha & Omega, and Hot & Cold. Those weren't the best, though, believe me.

  What else has happened... I'm taking part in a round robin-type story with some other crazed writers like myself in a horror story set to be completed on Halloween, I think. It's really a lot of fun so far, and the deaths have been quite gory. makes you wonder who you should be calling friend and who you shouldn't let be around a rusty ice pick. Laersyn, Spade, and Dex are people I wouldn't let around the rusty ice pick. For that matter, I doubt I'd let myself be around the rusty ice pick. Especially if it's not me holding it.

  Once it's finished, I'll be sure to post a link to it on my page, probably on the front, but in here too. Keep an eye out for it, and also check CFAN, because everyone knows how periodically I update. Only when the stars are aligned and when Jupiter is in harmony with Venus. Because if Jupiter and Venus are in discord, all hell breaks loose.

  I received the best compliment in the entire world a few weeks ago, in that between-update dead time. My web page was called "potentially the scariest thing on the Web". Thanks, Margaret! I'll keep the status quo up for the rest of the Internet.

  And now, for the token two computer games that have recently caught my interest. Now scoff and point if you must ("Looky, Maw! That crazy kiddie likes them flashy computer games! He must never date!"), but.... actually, don't scoff and point. I like my self-esteem where it is.

Join the Terrans. Meet interesting races. Wipe them off the face of the planet.  But I've been playing Starcraft and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast recently, and been lvoing the maybe five, six hours I spend combined on them a week. Starcraft, as now even N64 users know, is a real-time strategy game set in the future, with three different races to build up, train, and throw into a bloody orgy of death. It's highly addictive, as my friends warned me of.

  Jason: Enjoying Starcraft, Matt?
  Me: Yeah, I installed it and started playing last night.
  James: Couldn't stop, could ya?
  Me: (sheepishly) I had to be dragged from the computer.
  Jason: Yeah, I played it for hours my first time. You can't stop, it just sucks you in.

Baldur's Gate. Want me to break it down even further for you?  And Baldur's Gate:TotSC, is a role-playing game (those of you with Freudian minds, wash your brain out with soap) set in the Forgotten Realms universe with the AD&D 2nd edition engine, and takes you up and down the Sword Coast, where you get to fight the God of Death, or something. Just inagine walking around with tenth and eleventh-level fighters and mages and thieves and clerics, okay? It's loads of fun and carnage.

  You know, I've been trying to think of good, respectable things to put on this page, and all I've been able to come up with so far is angry rants and a column about pro wrestling. Obviously, those aren't going to help me too much, so any suggestions would be nice. Email me. Don't know what my address is? It's plastered on the front page, how'd ya miss it?

  I spent hours trying to come up with a name for this cursed thing. I did searches on Yahoo for rants, talked to fellow denizens of IRC, and ended up with what you see at the top of the page. If you don't like it, well, you should've suggested something earlier, now shouldn't you?

  What else, what else... Looks like this is going to be a short one. Season premiere, so to speak. Well, just chill until the next episode.


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