It Was All Me

Oh, look at me
Look at me
Standing here
Hands in my pockets
Can we have some pity over here
Oh ego
Feed this ego
Give me something more to
Grow from, grow strong
Can only make it so long without
Oh, listen to my words
Listen to my voice
Hear me just stand and whine
Of whatever comes to mind

Forget about your anger, and terror, and hostility
Forget about your feelings, your dealings in the past
Forger about being guilty, you were innocent in the end
And it was all me
It was all me

Oh, cut me down
Take my apology
Drive it into the ground
Take my sorrow
Take my pain
Take it and tear it up
Once again
Here's my heart
Here's the hammer
Would you like to start?
Start over one more time
Give it another go
Even though we both know
We may have reason
But there'll be no rhyme
And it'll be all over again
Yeah it will be all over again

Forget about your anger, and terror, and hostility
Forget about your feelings, your dealings in the past
Forger about being guilty, you were innocent in the end
And it was all me
It was all me

Satirical laden and deep... I meant every word of this at first,
and then reconsidered later once I was told how sarcastic it was.
It's still the popular one, though.

...nothing but the stars...

It is a blustery November afternoon
About a quarter of five
My ship has started out
On its maiden voyage
The fish are jumping
The radio tells
Of a good voyage ahead
I sit for an hour
Planning and hypothesizing
On the goals of my voyage
The first mate calls from the deck
"The moon is coming out," he says
I go look
The moon is beautiful
As are the stars
The many constellations
My course is charted, the sea is calm
Everything looks to be in order
I return to my cabin
And I doze happily

The time is winter
The voyage is proceeding better
Than I had dared hope
No major or minor scares
Except the fact that
One of the men
Is up in arms about my path
Through the waters
"It will only lead to suffering," he says
I do not worry
He has always been pessimistic
Everything looks to be in order
I return to my cabin
And dream of times past
And of the future

My vessel is now
On a cloudy sea
It is an eerie calm
Like the period of a voyage
Before the waves become choppy
And the wind whips over the boat
Before the mast buckles
And the sail rips
But now the sea is calm
The view is clear
In the air is a sweet fragrance
My course is true
There are no signs that this is merely
A calm before a storm
But I know better
I know that in the dark heart
Of the god of the sea
Is a plan to capsize my boat
And end my journey
I know that it won't be long
Before those waves become choppy
And that wind whips over the boat
Before that mast buckles
And my sail rips
Will thar day come tomorrow?
Next week? month? year?
This unnerves me, this
Calm before the storm
I return to my cabin
And doze fitfully
And dream of things dreaded but
Never before considered

I lie on the shore
Gasping for breath
The storm hit as I had suspected
I curse myself for not seeing it earlier
So I could have prepared the ship
I fear this is my end
The air comes shorter and shorter
Night descends
The stars are out
I can see Cassiopeia...Orion...
The Pleiades...
I can't see them anymore...
I have no cabin to return to
But I can still sleep...
And dream of things past...
Of the stars...
I can see them again...
I can see nothing more...
Than the stars...

What to say, what to say.. directly after first relationship, listened
to Sting's The Soul Cages one too many times and got the nautical theme.
It's got some symbolism and hidden meaning too.

Brass Ring

Your Honor, I have to protest
I don’t think this court can accurately test me
See how the prosecution connives
See how the bailiff jives
The crowd outside wants blood
I just want to be free
But freedom’s a waste for me
I can’t win this time
The clock’s finally run out on me
So Your Honor, I’ve changed my plea
Since everyone is gunning for me
And I cannot succeed in the least
I suppose I’ll be pleading guilty

I don't know. Being completely honest. I kinda like it, though

The stars are out tonight
The show is ending
The party's just begun
I'm not attending
The facts are falling hard
And I'm defensive
I could go mingle but
I'm far too pensive
The shadows close me round
Fears unabated
I'm less courageous now
It's overrated
What was happening then
Night of November
The answer lies beyond
The fire's embers

The temperature drops
The wind whips through my coat
Through this hysteria
Something invades my soul
I know it's different now
That much she told me
But these thoughts in my head
They complicate me

Another sunrise comes
It's got me thinking
In my own misery
Was where I was sinking
So now with no regrets
I'm moving onward
It's time to leave behind
Spiraling downward

Is this something divine
Maybe just out of line
No point for us to whine
It all comes down in time
I must have loved you
I must have loved you
I must have loved you...

Just a look inside. Nothing more, nothing less.
Written while thinking of the play and the subsequesnt party.


Pilot pen
Between my fingers
I try to make
Light of my thoughts
For a moment
Everything seems to make sense
I turn away
And the moment is gone

Eye to eye
Black lost in the blue
I think of you
And reach for the door
The warmth that I feel
Light in the shadows
The pang that I feel
A bit something more

Maybe I'm crazy
And everyone else is in their right minds
Maybe we're all a bit crazy
And the whole world's just left us behind
I'm dreaming, still dreaming
Still hoping
I'm still me

Pilot pen
Between your fingers
A marked script
Action onstage
As it goes
I'm hit with a revelation
I hide my head
And the thoughts slip away

Maybe I'm crazy
And everyone else has left me behind
Maybe you're a bit crazy
But maybe we're the only ones in our right mind

Pilot pen
Lying on the desk
I take a look around
And turn to go away
And as I walk
I hear voices behind me saying
"No reason to leave
Stay now and play"

Surreal look around, based off an image I had during Gov't class. These descriptions are getting more and more cryptic, aren't they?