in the Moonlight
So I saw you
In the doorway
Smilin' like the day that we met
Your laughter
The look on your face
The feeling that I hadn't had yet
So I asked you
And you said yes
And I nearly knocked myself off my feet
With your arm here
And your hand there
A scene I'd like to repeat
We were dancin' in the moonlight
Spinnin' in the soft light
It's all right, it's all right
The moonlight
On that long perfect night
And you told me
As I spun you
You could just stay there all night
And I told you
As you were close to me
That I thought that idea was just right
We were dancin' in the moonlight
Spinnin' in the soft light
It's all right, it's all right
The moonlight
On that long perfect night
And I suppose
That the sun must rise
And all good things must come to an end
But I know
That in your eyes
This dream of mine will never end
I'll be dancin' in the moonlight
Spinnin' in the soft light
It's all right, it's all right
The moonlight
On that long perfect night
This is written for
my fic, Questing, and will be used in a later
chapter. Hoohah!
Night After the River
Sleeping out under the stars
Scene straight out of my dreams
Your head pressed close to mine
And I could've dropped off into sleep
My shirt mixed with your sweet scent
Close quarters no big deal
Your lips so soft to the touch
Your lips I wanted so much
We were alone
Even though we weren't
There was only you in my eyes
And in my arms you smiled
In that smile
You had me
You had me without a doubt
My arms wrapped around your small
Your fingers tangled in my hair
Your sigh as I touched your side
I could've stayed there
We were alone
Even though we weren't
There was only you in my eyes
And in my arms you smiled
In that smile
You had me
You had me without a doubt
Your touch was so perfect and
The time so surreal
Never dimmed since that night and
You're all I need to feel
In my arms you smiled
And in that smile
You had me
You had me without a doubt
-Matt W Bowyer (6/27)
Note: There are guitar chords
for this, but I haven't quite figured them all out yet. I'll post them once I finish
making this into a song.
Yeah, this one's
for Laura, I think she basically knows that.
I wrote it after the night we went
camping. Yeah, I'm a sap. Yeah,
I wished violent death upon myself
afterwards. I hate sentimental
poetry, it makes me look stupid.
Unheard Last
nothing more to say
And yet its not been enough
Theres nothing I can do
To tell you
That I love you
I love you
And now
Were parting fast
Weve only a few
To say our last words
Time takes its chance
And cuts short the dance
I still have much to say
But nothing that I can
Youre leaving me
Though you dont know it
This is the final glance
No words can be chosen
To express the smile
That still exists
Exists of you
I still love you
Love you
Um, well, I just
wrote it, ok?!
Little Thing
You and I started out fooling
around in ninety-seven
Me singing my songs and you laughing at my act
Nothing serious, we were just laughing and playing
Summer came around and I lost track of the time
That I didn't talk to you, you did your own thing,
and I stuck to mine
Summer died and we met again in
class across the table
Amidst all the work and all the plays we grew closer
to each other
But I went out with another girl and paid the price,
She messed me up but good
I turned to you for comfort and somehow you found the
time to help me get
Back on my feet again
I started to look at you a little
more, to see who you were
Wondering who's behind that brown hair and the pale
blue eyes
Could there be more to you than just that smile, the
one that broke me down
I looked a little deeper, in search of character
What I found changed the way that I saw you
And then I found out that I had looked too long
Spring rolled in and it was
nineteen ninety-eight, and I was there and
I was fighting all these feelings, saying that it
wasn't a good idea
You wouldn't want to be with someone like me, not my
Not my tastes, not my looks, not me at all.
The year went on, we spent more
time together
Even a long trip to a place far away from home
We were laughing and talking, just fooling around
like old times
I wished I could go back to those days, or just that
Turns out now that I've gone a bit
too far
We're drifting apart, it's my fault, I don't know
what to say
I just want those days back, when we were nothing
Than what we needed to be, wanted to be, ever could
Needed to be, wanted to be, ever could be...
I just want it back.
This was my apology
poem, after something I was pretty sure
I screwed up. It was obvious to her,
I imagine. I'd be
surprised if it wasn't.
Meaningless Words
What is it I want to say to you?
I want to tell you everything I'm thinking, but then,
I don't even know what that is, or where I need to look to find the words.
I want to tell you how beautiful you are, how great
you make me feel, how you make me feel like I'm worth something, and that I want to be
with you.
I want to tell you how great the night was that I
spent sleeping next to you underneath the stars, how great it was just walking through
downtown with you, how great it felt when you kissed me for that fleeting second, how many
times I've wanted to relive that, if only in my head.
I want to tell you how all I can think about is you,
and that that's all I can think about now.
I want to tell you that I love you, but i don't know
if I do or if I even can.
I want to tell you that no matter what you do to me,
I still feel the same way.
I want to tell you that I love the time I spend with
you, that it's the bright point of my day, that I build entire days around just the few
hours I spend near you. I want to tell you how soft you are, how smooth your skin is, how
light and perfect it feels to the touch.
I want to tell you how funny you are, how you can
make me laugh with jokes that other people wouldn't ever tell and would never get a laugh
from me.
I want to tell you that you're perfect, in every
single way, shape and form.
I want to tell you that you're beautiful, but I don't
want to reiterate what so many other people must have already told you.
I want to tell you how strange it is to do things
with you I'd never do elsewhere, like wading in a river when I have that deep phobia of
I want to tell you that you're wonderful, you're
perfect, you're gorgeous, you're everything that there is and then some that isn't, that
you're everything I want to be, everything I dream about, everything that I want to hold
in my grasp, and for a moment do, and then find slipping away, that you're the most
beautiful person I've ever seen, in every sense of the word.
I want to tell you that it's just that fleeting
moment, where you and I click and are one, just for that second, and everything is there,
it's more than just the perfect moment, it's everything you could ever dream for sat down
right in front of you, and then just like that, it's gone again, blown away by some
uncaring wind and leaving you there, your arms open wide, the gleam in your eye fading,
the happiness snatched away from you just as quickly as it came.
I want to tell you all this,
everything that I've said, but I can't. Not now, or ever.
It's just that fleeting moment,
hanging there once again, fading slowly away...
Well? What else is
there to say? This is what I should have said.
What did I say? Nothing. You don't
get anywhere wishing your life
away. You get there by doing
something. Do something.
She fell in love too young
A stranger to its feel
Then she was on the run
The pain was all too real
She was someone who couldn't know what she had done
She turned to him to cry
He held her through the tears
In his arms she could fly
And forget the harder years
With him she was someone who could bear what she had
In the midst of the passion
They were watching her crashing
What was she missing
In this confusion
What was that one
Missing emotion
Why was that she
Could not get over them
What had they taken?
Where was she going?
She was hurt once again
She curled up with need to die
Then she looked up and saw him
With his arms open wide
As she was lying there she forgot what she had done
Then her heart reminded her
With him she could not stay
She had to go find her
And leave him back in her wake
Despite her sadness she never regretted what she had
In the depths of her sorrow
He felt her pain
What was she missing
In that confusion
What was that one
Missing emotion
Why was that she
Could not get over them
What had they taken?
Where was she going?
Despite his breaking heart
He wished her all the best
Now he would play his part
She must do all the rest
With one last word she left to do what she hadn't
From within his emptiness
He watched her go
The end of that
fateful relationship that gave way to some of the
best writing that I've ever done...
the subject of "Fly" and "Freshmen".