Man Who Sold The World
March 20, 2000
Warning: All opinions expressed
henceforth belong to Matt "Smoot" Bowyer, and do not in any way, shape,
or form reflect the opinions of Fortunecity, Left of Nowhere, or probably
Spell check? HA!
Woohoo! First of all,
I turned 18 today, specifically at some ungodly hour of the morning that
I remained uncounscious through, no doubt. Second of all, I had a kickass
day before, which was today, but not really... ahh, you guys should sorta
know what I'm talking about. Sunday rocked. There.
First of all, I'll speak
on gifts. The stuff my parents and family gave me was nice. I reeled in
a new scientific calculator (seeing as I destroyed the last one, that's
good) and a new microcassette recorder (seeing as I destroyed the last
one, that's good), along with a few new shirts, 115 bucks, and from my
wonderful uncle, a copy of Quake III: Arena to suck up the time
I have between this, school, my friends, and Final Fantasy VIII.
Then my friends came
by, bearing gifts. Only four had gifts, though, which doesn't really bother
me. Billy gave me a taped copy of the soundtrack from The Crow,
which is nice. Johannes brought me a CD of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana,
the coolest classical I've ever heard in my life. Deanna Watts, one of
my friends from a time earlier, got me a Pink Floyd CD I already had and
am therefore exchanging (she felt bad, too. She shouldn't have.), and a
Pink Floyd poster.
But Sarah Kolman's gift
gets a full paragraph. She brought me "what was left in my car". I received
a black "Countdown to the Millenium" glove which is a bit too small for
me (read that: WAY too small), a brown sweater which probably doesn't fit
me, ten bucks from underneath her seat, and a crockpot. A blue, working
crockpot. "So you can cook beans and all when you go to college."
I thought that about
whupped ass. And I'm not being sarcastic; that's the oddest birthday present
I've ever gotten. And I LIKE it.
To celebrate my birthday
further, Sarah, Johannes, and I drove out to Wal-Mart, the most happenin'
place in town, and I spent 40 bucks on four computer games (I'm an idiot),
which will take up the rest of my time. We also snatched a random
cart and filled it up of the most bizarre stuff we could find, from a toilet
seat to a bedspread to a stuffed pink pig which wobbled around in its case
when you pressed its ear. We left the cart back where we found it. I think
it was some old lady's.
Then I treated them
to some pizza and breadsticks from Domino's, and we sat in Johannes' living
room and watched "The Witches of Eastwick", that movie Comedy Central's
been showing recently which stars Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, and
Yup, you heard me. She-male
man-child giant-faced Cher.
We kinda stopped watching
it, though, when we decided to tackle Johannes and beat him without mercy.
Sarah sat on top of him and held his arms up above his head, and I held
his legs down and we either tickled him and stuck an empty pen into his
side or his bellybutton or his arse, which got the best reaction. Johannes
was, needless to say, less than pleased. Sarah's nipple-twisters were worse.
I didn't sink THAT low.
See, there's nothing
to do in Staunton except have Skinny People vs. Big Person fights. Skinny
people rule. Heh.
Johannes was a bit pissed
at me. Sarah and I thought it was pretty funny, especially the ending mega-wedgie.
We're evil.
Matt Bowyer's Random
Questions and Pet Peeves of the Day:
Pet Peeves:
1) Lame-Assed Promises:
You mean I have to write something for this every week?! Dammit!
2) Broken Door Locks:
I locked myself out of the computer room all weekend. I had to break the
doorknob to get back in. I'm skilled.
3) Squaresoft:
Where's the Surgeon General's warning on the package of Final Fantasy VIII?!
I'm addicted!
4) Broken Door Locks
Part Deux: I also had to hold a door shut backstage for twenty minutes
during our school's performance of The Odd Couple because SOME moron forgot
to UNlock the door after the first act. Grr...
5) Big Austrians
trying to jump on me: Again, I'd rather not have to spell this one
out any clearer.
1) What's more important?
Trying to keep one crazy evangelistic religious society in some Third World
country from wiping out an equally fanatical grouip of people, or mobilizing
people and funds for the space program so we can get our asses to Mars?
"SPACE!" -my physics class
Everyone remember the
hype for this year's "most erotic movie ever"? Eyes Wide Shut, starring
Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise? And how it was a work of art by filmaster
Stanley Kubrick, the last film of his career and life? Sure, you remember.
Damn, were they off.
That was not a good
movie, in my opinion. The plot made no sense AT all, Nicole Kidman, while
rather hot, was not doing a good job of acting in the three, maybe
four scenes she was in, and it just didn't work for me.
Kubrick was right on,
though, in his style. The mood of the movie fit whatever the hell idea
he had (which I believe was brought on by one too many double espressos
at the end of a 72-hour plotting spree), and the over-simplistic piano
music did have a nice effect.
We found a great little
game to play in the middle of it, though. "Let's Find An Embarrassing Moment
For A Character to Fart". That kept us entertained throughout the entire
two and a half bloody hours.
To close this week
out, I'd like to speak on my budding plans for summer. As everyone will
know after finishing this sentence, I'm finishing up my senior year of
high school and I'm shipping off to college somewhere next year.
Now, my last summer
with money should be one to remember, you know? So Johannes, myself, and
Co. are going to do just that. None of us are going to Beach Week, the
week where seniors go down south, drink and smoke, and forget everything
that happens, so we're doing Staunton Beach Week, which will consist of
a week-long party at Jo's house, more than likely.
Then there's the road
trip. Currently, it's only a gleam in our eyes, seeing as we're poor as
an Arabian hobo right now, but we'd like to take a two- to three-week road
trip. You know, drive west for a week and then turn around and head back.
See America from the window of a Sentra.
The last plan is the
most unhealthy one. A week of our two comuters linked up in his house,
and a week of Starcraft, Quake III, Heroes of Might and Magic II &
III, Baldur's Gate, Myth II, amd Fimal Fantasy VIII, even though that last
one's not multiplayer. And seeing as Johannes' mom has already promised
to drop by once a week this summer and restock the fridge, and the two
of us are both getting jobs that'll let us take a bit of time off this
summer, this is easily possible.
So if I vanish for a
month this summer, I'm buried underneath a keyboard and about thirty pounds
of empty Domino's boxes and Dr. Pepper bottles. Just so you know.
....Okay, I feel like
adding one more thing. I'm working on three new story projects. One of
them is a co-write with Phrykyh which more than likely won't be posted.
Instead, that one's going to a magazine. The other two are with Spade,
and neither one of them is going to be very long or very serious. At ALL.
So keep your eyes peeled;
it'll happen soon.
And I'm going out. TO
buy porn. On the simple principle that I can.
-Matt Bowyer. 18. Lock your
doors and windows. And hide your daughters.
Hey, here's an idea. Email
me and tell me what you thought. C'mon, it'll be fun. Really.