Carrion Prince (O Ye of Little Faith)
With a big ol' needless to
say, this is my stuff. I'm egotistical enough to separate my stuff from
everyone else's, because I have more. Recommended reading order? Ah, I
really don't care. The poetry's been divided into four sections, because
the main file was getting way too long. Read and enjoy, and remember.
This is mine, and if you want to put something on your site, just let me
know. Credit me, and I probably won't mind.
The famed X-Men/Mage: The Ascension
crossover. It's rolling along rather nicely, and has been quoted to an
extreme over on CFAN's Say What?! Three Orphans team up with a few of the
X-Men in an emergency, and it goes from there... Chapter 8! Whoohoo!
It's Who
You Know
First fanfic of mine, and still
not completed. Gambit and Quentin Bailey, a smartass kid who will
be more developed than he is in this story so far, take on a corrupt tycoon
in South Carolina, only with a twist. Up to Chapter 8.
A songfic. Listen to The Verve
Pipe while you read this. It's not as powerful otherwise. WARNING: Depressing.
The most depressing story
known to man. People have cried themselves to sleep over this one,
and not because it was bad like I thought. Along the same thread as "Freshmen".
of sorts
Well, that's my stuff. Like
it? Feel free to email me.